8 Lucky Indoor Plants You Need (According To Feng Shui)
Whether or not you’re seeking a single lucky plant or a few for indoors, these indoor plants can bring prosperity, wealth, and good fortune to their caretakers. Everyone desires a little more love, luck, and good fortune in life, and the ancient discipline of feng shui offers insights on how to achieve this. While hiring a feng shui expert is one option, you can also optimize your home’s energies by simply finding the right lucky plant.
Moreover, even if you already have houseplants at home, it’s possible that their ‘luckiness’ has been overlooked, leaving untapped benefits unrealized. To boost your success and wellbeing, explore this overview of top lucky plants that can harness your home’s hidden energy.
Why are these plants lucky?
Whether or not you’re seeking a single lucky plant or a few for indoors, these indoor plants can bring prosperity, wealth, and good fortune to their caretakers. Everyone desires a little more love, luck, and good fortune in life, and the ancient discipline of feng shui offers insights on how to achieve this. While hiring a feng shui expert is one option, you can also optimize your home’s energies by simply finding the right lucky plant.
Moreover, even if you already have houseplants at home, it’s possible that their ‘luckiness’ has been overlooked, leaving untapped benefits unrealized. To boost your success and wellbeing, explore this overview of top lucky plants that can harness your home’s hidden energy.
What Is Feng Shui?
In ancient Chinese philosophy, Feng Shui is a revered art form aimed at harmonizing the energies of living and working spaces by deliberately positioning various items. The ultimate goal is to strike a balance among the five elemental forces that govern our surroundings. Achieving this equilibrium enables a smooth flow of energies, ultimately enhancing overall well-being. To delve deeper into the intricacies of these fundamental elements, consider the brief overview below.
Five elements for house plants.
In ancient Chinese philosophy, Feng Shui is a revered art form aimed at harmonizing the energies of living and working spaces by deliberately positioning various items. The ultimate goal is to strike a balance among the five elemental forces that govern our surroundings. Achieving this equilibrium enables a smooth flow of energies, ultimately enhancing overall well-being. To delve deeper into the intricacies of these fundamental elements, consider the brief overview below.
This symbol embodies joy, radiance, and tenacity. Its essence is deeply tied to vegetation that thrives under abundant sunlight. These plants, driven by a strong work ethic and unwavering determination, can surpass others when given the right conditions. In return, they will infuse you with their innate vigor if placed in a spot where they can flourish.
Life-giving Earth energy is deeply connected to nourishment and vitality. Fruiting plants and hardy vegetation thriving in challenging environments are particularly attuned to this force. As a vital component of overall well-being, it’s crucial to maintain an adequate balance of Earth energy within your living space. Interestingly, any plant can become a conduit for Earth energy when paired with stones, making it effortless to imbue your home with restorative properties.
For those seeking a boost in mental acuity and motivation, Metal Feng Shui offers a potent solution: properties with an optimal balance of metal energy tend to foster greater mental clarity and personal drive in their occupants. While plants are generally lacking in this energy, incorporating metal pots and decorative elements can amplify its effects when strategically placed within the home.
Water Feng Shui embodies the essence of adaptability and vitality, resonating with the natural world’s most resilient and thriving environments. Wetland-dwelling plants and those native to tropical climates exemplify this elemental energy.
The final fundamental aspect of Feng Shui is deeply rooted in concepts of fertility, growth, and progress; directly influencing one’s capacity for personal development and knowledge acquisition. The Wood element is closely tied to plants bearing hues of brown and green, which collectively embody the essence of this vital energy. A harmonious flow of this element can significantly amplify your pursuit of self-improvement and learning.
8 Lucky Houseplants That Bring Abundance Energy Into Your Space
The final fundamental aspect of Feng Shui is deeply rooted in concepts of fertility, growth, and progress; directly influencing one’s capacity for personal development and knowledge acquisition. The Wood element is closely tied to plants bearing hues of brown and green, which collectively embody the essence of this vital energy. A harmonious flow of this element can significantly amplify your pursuit of self-improvement and learning.
Lucky Plant #1 Spider plant.
The Spider Plant’s reputation for good fortune and prosperity stems from its robust, lengthy vines that evoke stability in life. As a natural air purifier and popular choice among lucky plant enthusiasts, it’s no wonder this plant is favored in Eastern cultures. With adaptable lighting requirements and a weekly watering schedule that allows for thoughtful monitoring of soil dryness, the Spider Plant thrives indoors.
Its humidity-tolerant nature makes it an ideal addition to kitchens or bathrooms, where it can work its air-purifying magic. Furthermore, these plants are renowned for their ability to purify indoor air and emit grounding earth energy.
Lucky Plant #2 Orchid.
Orchids, often considered a symbol of good fortune and prosperity, bring luck into homes. In ancient Japan, they were used as a representation of wealth, adding to their allure. One of the benefits of having orchids is that they can thrive in humid environments, making them an excellent choice for indoor spaces. However, it’s crucial not to overwater these lovely plants.
According to experts at BeautifulOrchids, watering should be done once a week during winter and twice a week during summer when it’s warm and dry. The frequency of watering also depends on the container size of your orchid; a 6-inch pot requires water every seven days, while a 4-inch pot needs it every five to six days. While orchids can tolerate indirect sunlight, they should not be placed directly next to windows.
Additionally, placing an orchid in the southwest sector of your home can have a positive impact on the energy in that area.
Lucky Plant #3 Peony.
Peonies are often associated with good fortune, prosperity, love, and luck due to their lush, airy blooms. In Feng Shui practices, peonies are used as a general remedy for matters of the heart. To harness their energy, place them in areas where you’d like this positive energy to be emitted; you can choose to buy fresh peonies or cultivate your own – the choice is yours. When it comes to watering, a simple yet effective approach is to follow the ‘touch test.
‘ Gently touch the soil with your finger; if it feels dry up to the second knuckle, the plant requires hydration. This method is particularly useful during spring and fall when the soil tends to be drier than in hot summer months.
Lucky Plant #4 Philodendron.
Philodendron’s humble presence in many homes belies its unique charm. Its heart-shaped leaves, reminiscent of the ‘fire element’ in Feng Shui, are just one aspect that sets it apart. These adaptable plants have a remarkable ability to bring warmth and positivity into your home, requiring minimal sunlight. In fact, Philodendrons are particularly potent when placed on the south side of your dwelling or in a bathroom, where they can flourish even in low-light conditions.
With its versatility and gentle charm, it’s little wonder why this plant remains a popular choice for many.
Lucky Plant #5 Peace lily.
The Peace Lily, with its elegant green leaves and delicate white flowers, is often considered a symbol of harmony and good luck in the home. According to Feng Shui principles, this plant is believed to improve the prosperity of your space by emitting strong wood energy, which is associated with brown and green colors. But that’s not all – it’s also said to have air-purifying properties, helping to prevent illnesses like asthma, headaches, and other problems caused by indoor pollutants.
Additionally, the Peace Lily can help detoxify your home by removing formaldehyde, benzene, and other toxins from the air. To keep your plant thriving, make sure to avoid direct sunlight (it won’t survive) and only water when the top inch of soil is dry – simply water until you see a slight overflow with proper care, including occasional watering, this lovely plant will reward you with its beautiful blooms and freshening effects.
Lucky Plant #6 Lucky bamboo.
According to Feng Shui, bamboo plants are considered highly auspicious and a symbol of good fortune. Keeping them at home or in the office is believed to attract wealth and prosperity with proper care, these plants can even be trained to grow in unique shapes or patterns. In Feng Shui terms, lucky bamboo welcomes water energy, which represents life and flexibility, making it ideal for placement on the north side of your home.
Despite variations between species and growing conditions, indoor lucky bamboo requires filtered sunlight, humidity, and regular watering – at least once a week. While maintaining these plants may require some effort, their benefits are well worth the investment.
Lucky Plant #7 English ivy.
The Bamboo Palm is an exemplary air-purifying plant that thrives in humid environments, releasing a powerful woody aroma. Its compatibility with other plants that radiate metal energy makes it an ideal choice for indoor spaces. Its impressive filtering capabilities make it a must-have addition to any home.
Lucky Plant #8 Banana leaf.
Banana leaf plants are known for their potent fire energy, which can significantly enhance personal growth and determination. This vibrant plant embodies happiness, brightness, and drive, making it an ideal addition to any space where you wish to amplify these qualities. To foster a thriving banana plant, provide container-grown specimens with modest daily watering. For outdoor-planted banana plants, deeper irrigation every two or three days is recommended.
A reliable rule of thumb is to water when the top half-inch of soil feels dry to the touch. By incorporating this plant into your space, you’ll be able to harness its energizing properties and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.
How to keep your lucky plants healthy.
In balancing energy efficiency at home, it’s crucial not to overlook the well-being of your plants in the process. A common misconception is that neglecting plant care can be an acceptable trade-off for a more energy-efficient living space; however, botany experts emphasize that unhealthy plants often exhibit telltale signs such as dry leaves or stunted growth. If you suspect your plant’s health is suffering, it may be wise to relocate it to a more suitable environment.
Interestingly, research suggests that dying plants can actually hinder energy efficiency within the home, making proper plant care an integral part of achieving optimal energy performance.
Extra: A Energy Map For Your Lucky Indoor Plants
When it comes to positioning indoor lucky plants in your home, understanding the concept of energy zones is crucial. According to Feng Shui experts, each structure can be broken down into nine distinct energy zones, each tied to a specific cardinal direction. These zones are believed to have unique energetic properties that can impact the overall harmony and balance within a space.
To optimize your home’s energy dynamics, it’s essential to deliberately place items, including plants, with consideration for these energy zones. Here’s a breakdown of the nine energy zones to consider when placing plants around the house:
Nine energy zones.
The layout of your home plays a significant role in shaping various aspects of your life. The southeastern corner is crucial for career success and financial stability, and is harmonized well with wood or fire energies. In the southernmost part of your home, the reputation sector thrives when surrounded by décor that embodies the fiery element; warm-hued plants are particularly suitable for this area.
The southwest corner is dedicated to partnership, which can boost romantic endeavors and social relationships. This sector requires earth energy to function in balance. Incorrancting this sector can lead to difficulties in juggling various aspects of your personal life; earthy and watery plant energies are welcome here.
The west side is crucial for children’s growth and development, even if you don’t reside with them – it enhances creativity and youthful drive; this sector requires metal energy to balance out. The northeastern corner lies the knowledge sector, where earth energy is essential for proper functioning. This area is vital for those seeking wisdom and knowledge accumulation.
The northernmost part of your home is dedicated to career pursuits, which value water energy to achieve success and lucrative opportunities; a balanced energy in this sector can help you realize your professional goals. Finally, the northwest corner plays a role in uncovering good fortune and safe travels; flanking metal-energy radiating plants like cacti with leafy water energy plants ensures balance.