6 Best Bedroom Plants Thatll Improve Your Health And Wellness
Indoor houseplants are not only a stylish addition to any bedroom, but they also have the power to dramatically improve your overall health and wellness. While many of us know that plants can purify the air and boost our mood, few realize that certain species can even soothe dry skin and irritations. The key is finding the right bedroom houseplants for the job.
Here are six top picks that will get you started on a path to better breathing, improved indoor air quality, and a more peaceful slumber. Whether you’re looking to combat allergies or simply create a calming atmosphere, these must-have plants are sure to bring about a world of difference in your bedroom.
6 Bedroom Plants That’ll Improve Your Health & Wellness
Indoor houseplants are not only a stylish addition to any bedroom, but they also have the power to dramatically improve your overall health and wellness. While many of us know that plants can purify the air and boost our mood, few realize that certain species can even soothe dry skin and irritations. The key is finding the right bedroom houseplants for the job.
Here are six top picks that will get you started on a path to better breathing, improved indoor air quality, and a more peaceful slumber. Whether you’re looking to combat allergies or simply create a calming atmosphere, these must-have plants are sure to bring about a world of difference in your bedroom.
Spider Plant: Best plant to remove airborne toxins.
Indoor air quality has become a growing concern for many homeowners, which is why we’re starting with the humble spider plant. This versatile, low-maintenance option is a staple in many indoor gardens due to its remarkable ability to purify the air. With their striking solid green leaves featuring white highlights, it’s easy to spot a spider plant, even at first glance. But what sets them apart from other popular houseplants? Their simplicity.
Spider plants require minimal care and can thrive in a variety of environments, making them an excellent choice for those new to indoor gardening or seeking to improve their home’s air quality.
Health benefits:
Spider plants are renowned for their impressive air-purifying abilities; effectively removing airborne toxins from any room they occupy. In particular, these plants have been shown to successfully eliminate formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the bedroom environment. Formaldehyde, a colorless gas known to cause irritation of the throat, nose, and eyes, can be present in various household products such as fabrics, paper products, and particleboard.
By incorporating spider plants into your home decor, you can breathe easier knowing these toxic substances are being neutralized.
Likes and dislikes:
Spider plants are remarkably easy to care for, but there are two key pitfalls to avoid: excessive water and direct sunlight. To prevent leaf burn and die-off, make sure they’re not directly exposed to intense light. On the other hand, this plant is incredibly adaptable and can thrive in a wide range of lighting conditions, from low to high intensity, making it an ideal choice for rooms with limited natural light, such as bedrooms.
Additionally, spider plants are flexible when it comes to soil type and don’t require frequent watering, making them perfect for those who tend to forget to water their plants occasionally.
Living with children and pets:
Spider plants are not only simple to cultivate but also a safe choice for households with pets and young children. Despite their innocuous nature, they do contain a chemical compound with ties to opium. While non-toxic in itself, consuming this plant can cause gastrointestinal issues, including stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Lavender Plant: Best plant for deeper sleep & air purification.
Lavender, a prized possession in many bedrooms, boasts not only an exquisite appearance but also functional utility as an essential oil. The fragrance it emits is truly unique and unmatched by any other. This lovely flower is easily recognizable due to its diminutive purple blooms that spiral outward in a mesmerizing pattern, while its leaves exhibit a subtle green-gray hue. When given the necessary space, lavender plants can grow up to two to three feet tall.
While purple remains the most sought-after hue, this Mediterranean native also comes in soft pink and white variations.
Health benefits:
Lavender is often touted as the ultimate bedroom companion due to its profound impact on one’s mental well-being. A single, deliberate sniff can effortlessly calm the nerves, alleviating symptoms of depression, insomnia, and anxiety. The plant’s inherent properties also enable it to naturally diminish stress levels, promote effortless breathing, and foster a deeper sleep.
Notably, research conducted by the Miami Miller School of Medicine demonstrated that the lavender-infused bath oil had a profound effect on calming fussy babies, inducing a more restful slumber. This is precisely why the essence of lavender is so ubiquitous in spa-like products such as soaps, skincare creams, candles, and bath salts – its therapeutic benefits are undeniable.
Likes and dislikes:
While the spider plant thrives in low-light conditions, lavender requires a spot that receives direct sunlight throughout the day. To ensure its health, water it regularly, as this is a crucial aspect of indoor gardening. One of the main challenges when growing indoors is providing sufficient light. Placing your lavender near a southern-facing window can help address this issue. When planting, be sure to position it in full sun and use well-draining soil to prevent root rot.
Living with children and pets:
Lavender’s potential benefits in air purification come with a cautionary note: the plant contains linalool, a toxic compound when ingested by dogs and cats. If you’re considering incorporating lavender into your space, be aware that even small amounts can pose a risk to our furry friends. Moreover, it’s crucial to consider individual sensitivities before using lavender, as some people may experience allergic reactions.
Despite these precautions, the plant remains a popular choice for its natural air-purifying properties.
Aloe Vera: Best plant for improving air quality.
Succulents, such as the unique-looking Aloe vera, often surprise with their striking features. The stemless, fleshy leaves of this plant boast a vibrant green hue with white speckles scattered throughout. The leaf’s edge is further defined by prominent white spikes, setting it apart from other household plants. Often overlooked is the fact that Aloe vera is not just a clear gel-like substance, but rather a plant with its own distinct characteristics.
The gel itself originates from the innermost part of the leaf, making it a fascinating specimen to observe. As an added bonus, this houseplant has natural healing properties that make it an excellent choice for those seeking alternative solutions for skin issues. By applying Aloe vera directly to the skin, one can treat a range of common problems including sunburn, frostbite, burns, cold sores, and psoriasis.
Health benefits:
This nocturnal plant has a unique ability to release additional oxygen into the air at night, much like its fellow air-purifying companions. As you drift off to sleep, it works tirelessly behind the scenes to cleanse the air in your bedroom of impurities, providing a fresh and healthy environment for a restful night’s slumber.
Likes and dislikes:
To thrive, your aloe vera plant requires thorough watering that reaches its roots. Additionally, it prefers natural light, but with moderation – too much direct sunlight can lead to leaf browning. With proper care, maintaining an aloe vera plant demands some effort, and avoiding direct sunlight is crucial for healthy growth. This ensures the plant receives the right balance of moisture and illumination.
Living with children and pets:
While aloe vera is generally considered safe for human consumption, it poses a different story when it comes to our feline and canine friends. When ingested by cats and dogs, the level of toxicity is classified as mild to moderate. This can lead to a range of unpleasant symptoms in pets, including vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, depression, anorexia, and even tremors. It’s essential to keep this plant out of reach from your beloved companions to ensure their health and well-being.
English Ivy plant: Best plant for your respiratory system.
The esteemed English Ivy has been revered for centuries, dating back to ancient Roman and Greek civilizations. Its enduring popularity can be attributed to its striking appearance, characterized by thick, lustrous leaves that boast dark to medium green hues with prominent white or yellow veins. As the plant matures, the leaves take on an oval shape, distinguishing it from other ivy species.
The abundance of bold veins is a notable identifying feature, setting English Ivy apart from its relatives.
Health benefits:
The English ivy plant boasts a remarkable range of benefits, particularly for those grappling with breathing conditions such as asthma, COPD, and bronchitis. Its natural properties have a profound impact on airways, effortlessly relaxing them and significantly reducing the frequency of coughing. This makes it an ideal addition to any bedroom, providing a calming influence that can greatly improve sleep quality.
Furthermore, English ivy has been shown to dilute a staggering 94% of airborne mold particles. This not only eliminates the risk of mold growth in your home but also drastically reduces the allergens that can exacerbate respiratory issues. By incorporating this plant into your bedroom, you’ll be creating a healthier and more tranquil environment that fosters restful sleep and overall well-being.
Likes and dislikes:
While many plants struggle to survive without direct sunlight, English Ivy is an exception that excels under the gentle glow of artificial lighting. In fact, it’s best to provide it with indirect sunlight during the summer months, as intense rays can actually hinder its growth. Additionally, keep in mind that consistent moisture is key; so be sure to water your English Ivy frequently to ensure optimal health.
Living with children and pets:
English ivy is a popular choice for indoor decor, but it’s crucial to remember that it can be toxic to our furry friends if ingested. If your dog or cat decides to take a nibble of this plant, they may exhibit symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea, or an unusual increase in salivation. It’s essential to keep this plant out of reach of curious pets to ensure their health and well-being.
Snake Plant: Best plant for air purification.
For those seeking to enhance indoor air quality, the humble snake plant offers a simple yet effective solution. Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this versatile plant excels at converting carbon dioxide back into life-giving oxygen while you rest. Its standout feature is its thick, leathery leaves, which can grow up to four feet in height, making it easily recognizable at the nursery or gardening center.
The leaves themselves showcase a deep green hue, often punctuated by lighter green veins that run horizontally, adding visual interest to this low-maintenance air purifier.
Health benefits:
The snake plant’s impressive list of benefits doesn’t stop at carbon dioxide removal. It also excels at ridding indoor spaces of harmful toxins like toluene, xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde, making it a top contender for air purification. In fact, the snake plant is arguably the best choice for improving indoor air quality, allowing you to breathe easier and healthier in your home.
Likes and dislikes:
When mature, snake plants generally reach a height of around waist-level. One of their most notable attributes is their low-maintenance nature. They’re adaptable and can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, including indirect sunlight. Moreover, they don’t require frequent watering; on the contrary, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings often promotes healthy growth.
Living with children and pets:
While this plant contains saponins, a naturally occurring defense mechanism that helps protect it from insects, microbes, and fungi. It’s mildly toxic to pets. Fortunately, the toxicity level is relatively low, making it still a great addition to your home.
Boston Fern: Best plant for restoring moisture.
Among the many healthy indoor plants, Boston Ferns are often overlooked despite being incredibly easy to care for. Not only do they thrive indoors, but they also provide a natural humidifying and air purifying effect, making them an excellent addition to any home. Characterized by their clusters of long, green leaves resembling ferns, Boston Ferns boast thin stems running through each leaf, with countless tiny leaves radiating horizontally along the stem.
As they mature, these plants can spread to reach lengths of two to three feet, making them a striking feature in any room.
Health benefits:
When it comes to purifying the air and combating dryness, this type of fern is an excellent choice. Its natural ability to remove toxins like xylene and formaldehyde makes it a valuable asset in any home, especially those where air conditioning is used extensively. Additionally, its humidifying properties make it an effective solution for alleviating dry skin issues.
By incorporating a few of these ferns into your decor, you can maintain a comfortable level of moisture in the room, which is particularly beneficial for individuals who spend extended periods indoors.
Likes and dislikes:
Boston ferns are renowned for their ability to flourish in temperate climates, where the atmosphere is refreshingly cool. Moreover, they require a consistently damp soil environment to thrive. Fortunately, this adaptable species of fern can also tolerate partial shade and even indirect sunlight, making it an ideal choice for home gardeners seeking low-maintenance yet visually striking additions to their indoor spaces.